How would you like to be remembered?
30 November 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: This month at Coles Funeral Directors, Remembrance has been at the forefront of all our minds – as we’re sure it has yours. We’d like to round off this month’s theme with posing the question: how would you like to be remembered?Here at Coles, we’d like to be remembered as […]

Remembering our dead and their families
22 November 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: If you saw last week’s press, you may have seen that we’ve had reasons to celebrate here at Coles Funeral Directors – having achieved the prestigious accolade of the first ever Funeral Directors in Wales to have been recommended by the Good Funeral Guide, and having won the highly contested […]

Remembrance – the action of remembering
11 November 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Inspired by this year’s theme for the Poppy Appeal and Rethinking Remembrance – it’s got us thinking here at Coles, how do you remember your loved ones?Remembrance is defined as ‘the action of remembering something or someone’. So whether you choose to remember someone by simply taking the time to […]

The most common place to die in Cardiff by 2040
24 October 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Last week, I met with Care Home professionals from all over Cardiff and the South Wales area at the annual Care Roadshow held in Cardiff City Stadium. The conference that ran alongside the programme focussed on pioneering treatments for the elderly, and there were lots of innovative products on show […]

Incredible Product Innovation in the Funeral Industry
18 October 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: You may have noticed over the last couple of weeks that we’ve been sharing some links to fascinating product innovations in the funeral industry. In this summary, I’ve tried to find examples of really cutting edge ‘out-there’ products (most of which come with a hefty price tag) whilst also suggesting […]

Notes from Cardiff and Newport Bereavement Conference
13 October 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Today, I was at the Bengali Centre in Riverside for the Cardiff & Newport Bereavement Conference listening to Chief Coroner and Chair and Vice-Chairman of the National Burial Council (NBC), discuss the issues pertaining to burial and bereavement in Cardiff’s diverse community.The speakers covered a number of vitally important subjects, […]

Why would you want to pre-plan your funeral?
2 October 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: Throughout September we were actively campaigning to raise awareness about the importance of talking to your loved ones about what you want to happen when you die.Truthfully, it strikes me as strange that in this day and age when we spend months planning for Christmas; when it’s not unusual to take a […]

PRESS RELEASE: School children in Cardiff get more out of the holiday with support from local, independent funeral directors
28 September 2017
Cardiff, Wales, September 28th 2017| Gareth Coles, director of a local, independent, family business – Coles Funeral Directors – was invited to St Illtyd’s Catholic High School to find out about the adventures the pupils enjoyed during the summer holiday thanks to his generous match funding.Earlier this year, St Cadoc’s Catholic Church promised a donation […]

Planning the funeral you want
22 September 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: If you read the Echo, you may have read Cardiff pensioner Glenys Burrows’ tragic story of how her home in Ely was burgled while she slept, and the money she had been saving to pay for her funeral was stolen. It really touched us here at Coles and we simply had to […]

The end of Organ Donation Week marks the beginning of an important conversation
10 September 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: Today marks the end of Organ Donation Week 2017 – the subject of a great deal of discussion in the British media about the importance of organ donation and letting your loved ones know how you feel about it.The biggest headline this week was the story about the donated organs of […]

Today we are celebrating at the ‘Death Oscars’
7 September 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: Dubbed the ‘Oscars of the Funeral Trade’ ( or Death Oscars), today I have the pleasure of accompanying James Rogers at the Good Funeral Awards at Porchester Hall in London.James is a finalist in the Funeral Arranger of the Year category, having been nominated for the tremendous work he does with […]
Press Release: Cardiff Funeral Director named Funeral Arranger of the Year Finalist at ‘Death Oscars’ 2017
6 September 2017
Cardiff, Wales, September 6th, 2017| James Rogers of independent Cardiff firm, Coles Funeral Directors, is up for the prestigious title of ‘Funeral Arranger of the Year 2017’ at the Good Funeral Awards – dubbed ‘the Death Oscars’ (or the Oscars of the funeral trade).Now in its sixth year, the Good Funeral Awards were set up […]