Planning the funeral you want
22 September 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: If you read the Echo, you may have read Cardiff pensioner Glenys Burrows’ tragic story of how her home in Ely was burgled while she slept, and the money she had been saving to pay for her funeral was stolen. It really touched us here at Coles and we simply had to […]

September Floral Tributes: Iris sprays, vegetable pillows, or charitable donations?
15 September 2017
Written by Claire Robertson: September is here and so is the chill in the air here in Cardiff! It’s officially the start of autumn; the time when plants and flowers begin to bear fruit and harvest begins. This means that when it comes to funeral flowers in September, there is an abundance of in season, British […]

The end of Organ Donation Week marks the beginning of an important conversation
10 September 2017
Written by Gareth Coles: Today marks the end of Organ Donation Week 2017 – the subject of a great deal of discussion in the British media about the importance of organ donation and letting your loved ones know how you feel about it.The biggest headline this week was the story about the donated organs of […]