Notes from Cardiff and Newport Bereavement Conference

13 October 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Today, I was at the Bengali Centre in Riverside for the Cardiff & Newport Bereavement Conference listening to Chief Coroner and Chair and Vice-Chairman of the National Burial Council (NBC), discuss the issues pertaining to burial and bereavement in Cardiff’s diverse community.The speakers covered a number of vitally important subjects, […]

Bereavement Open Day at Thornhill Crematorium, Cardiff

9 July 2017

If your family is anticipating the loss of a loved one, or has recently said goodbye, you might consider joining us at Cardiff Bereavement Services’ Open Day at Thornhill Crematorium on Saturday 15th July (10am – 2pm).The idea behind the Open Day is to help dispel any misgivings you may have about the cremation process, […]