Bereavement Services in Cardiff

29 July 2018

Written by Services Manager, Claire Robertson: Here at Coles we believe choice is very important to the people we serve, and we work continuously to maintain excellent relationships with Cardiff’s many bereavement service providers so that we can be flexible in the arrangements we make for you.On our doorstep we have the popular Thornhill Crematorium […]

March funeral flower of the month: the beginning of spring

19 March 2018

Written by Office Manager, Claire Robertson: The daffodil (narcissus) is without doubt, the most iconic flower in Wales – and it can be seen growing everywhere in swathes of brilliant yellow at this time of the year. Symbolising rebirth and new beginnings, which is why it’s sometimes known as the ‘Lent Lily’, narcissi are a […]

How would you like to be remembered?

30 November 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: This month at Coles Funeral Directors, Remembrance has been at the forefront of all our minds – as we’re sure it has yours. We’d like to round off this month’s theme with posing the question: how would you like to be remembered?Here at Coles, we’d like to be remembered as […]

10 innovative ways to scatter and transform cremains

26 October 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: We’ve been getting inspired at Coles this month as we look at innovation in the funeral industry. Today we’re looking at alternatives to interring or storing ashes in decorative urns. Some of the practices are already part of our service offering, but when it comes to memorials and keepsakes using […]

Incredible Product Innovation in the Funeral Industry

18 October 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: You may have noticed over the last couple of weeks that we’ve been sharing some links to fascinating product innovations in the funeral industry. In this summary, I’ve tried to find examples of really cutting edge ‘out-there’ products (most of which come with a hefty price tag) whilst also suggesting […]

Notes from Cardiff and Newport Bereavement Conference

13 October 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Today, I was at the Bengali Centre in Riverside for the Cardiff & Newport Bereavement Conference listening to Chief Coroner and Chair and Vice-Chairman of the National Burial Council (NBC), discuss the issues pertaining to burial and bereavement in Cardiff’s diverse community.The speakers covered a number of vitally important subjects, […]

Why would you want to pre-plan your funeral?

2 October 2017

Written by Gareth Coles: Throughout September we were actively campaigning to raise awareness about the importance of talking to your loved ones about what you want to happen when you die.Truthfully, it strikes me as strange that in this day and age when we spend months planning for Christmas; when it’s not unusual to take a […]

Planning the funeral you want

22 September 2017

Written by Gareth Coles: If you read the Echo, you may have read Cardiff pensioner Glenys Burrows’ tragic story of how her home in Ely was burgled while she slept, and the money she had been saving to pay for her funeral was stolen. It really touched us here at Coles and we simply had to […]

September Floral Tributes: Iris sprays, vegetable pillows, or charitable donations?

15 September 2017

Written by Claire Robertson: September is here and so is the chill in the air here in Cardiff! It’s officially the start of autumn; the time when plants and flowers begin to bear fruit and harvest begins. This means that when it comes to funeral flowers in September, there is an abundance of in season, British […]

Burial, cremation and other alternatives

22 August 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Cremation Around three quarters of all funerals in the UK are now cremations. They can work out slightly cheaper than a burial, particularly as the funeral service can be held at the crematorium itself, which is increasingly popular for non-religious families. Your loved one’s ashes will be ready for collection after […]